Hello, my name is
Luan Albineli Pinto
I'm a self taught software developer, moved by challenges and new things to learn. I'm currently open to new challenges. Get in touch.
About me
I’m a versatile Mobile and Front-End Web Developer with over 15 years of experience building applications across various platforms. I have deep expertise in mobile development using Flutter and Android, along with front-end technologies such as React and AngularJS.
Recently, I expanded into Full Stack development, working with the PERN stack (Postgres, Express, React, Node.JS) and Typescript.

Luan Albineli Pinto
Matosinhos - Porto/Portugal, Earth
Sr. Flutter/Full Stack Engineer@ Stuart
Sep 2022 - June 2024Started as a Mobile Engineer, working on the couriers’ app. In mid-2023, I switched to a Full Stack role using the PERN stack and TypeScript.
- Implemented the app’s menu redesign, to improve its usability.
- Increased the delivery’s security, implementing the dynamic pin-code (over the static implementation) at the package’s drop-off.
- Worked on a script to fetch data from Intercom and generate some JSON files used by the app, using Fastlane + Ruby + Jenkins.
- Seamlessly transitioned to a Full Stack role, taking ownership of a few Node.JS apps, used by couriers and Ops team.
- Fully migrated one of the Node.JS apps from EC2 to Kubernetes, writing documentation with a how-to for apps with Front-End.
FlutterDartGraphQLReactNode.jsExpressTypeScriptPostgresEC2KubernetesSr. Mobile Engineer@ RoE Handbook
July 2021 - presentThis is a side project, called RoE Handbook. It's basically a mobile toolset for a game I used to play, Rise of Castles (AKA Rise of Empires). It's being developed using Flutter, Dart, BloC and Clean Architecture, and is available for Android and iOS.
- Over 400 commits.
- 8.5k monthly active users.
- 99.5% crash free users, on both platforms.
- In-App purchases implemented using RevenueCat, with more than 1k active subscribers.
FlutterDartBloCFirebaseRevenueCatAdMobSr. Mobile Engineer@ Iteris
Aug 2021 - Aug 2022At Iteris I was allocated to the Fiserv mobile team. It was a sales management application (credit card sales, receipts and payments, reports). There I had the opportunity to introduce BloC, Clean Architecture and Unit Tests, to enhance code quality and maintainability. It was built using Clean Architecture and the MVC pattern.
FlutterDartBloCMVCSr. Mobile Engineer@ EBANX
Dec 2020 - Aug 2021At EBANX, I was responsible for the "beep" ticket sales system applications. The system consisted of two apps: a QR Code reader built on Android for validating tickets, and a ticket sales app developed with Flutter. The sales app, used by stores to issue tickets, was architected with BloC, get_it + injectable for dependency injection, and integrated GraphQL and sqflite among other libraries.
FlutterDartBloCAndroidKotlinGraphQLSr. Android Engineer@ Granter
Mar 2020 - Sep 2020I worked on the "Meu Lote" application, transforming the messy legacy code into a well-structured system. We utilized the MVVM pattern along with Architecture Components such as Data Binding, LiveData, Room, ViewModel, and WorkManager to sync the data. The project was built using Kotlin + Coroutines and Dagger 2 for dependency injection. Unit tests were built with JUnit and MockK, while instrumented tests were performed using Espresso and Mockito.
AndroidKotlinMVVMDagger 2Architecture ComponentsJUnitMockKSr. Mobile/Front-End Web Engineer@ Assas Money (AKA Code Money)
Oct 2018 - Mar 2020At CM, I worked on both Android applications of our product: one for customers and one for stores. The customer app was rewritten using the MVVM architecture, incorporating a set of tools such as Architecture Components (Data Binding, Lifecycles, LiveData, Room, ViewModel, and WorkManager), Dagger 2, and Coroutines, with Kotlin as the main language. Unit tests were implemented with JUnit and MockK, while instrumented tests were conducted using Espresso and Mockito. The store app was initially developed with a messy MVP structure but was later rewritten using Flutter and the BloC pattern. Additionally, I contributed to the web system used by stores, which was implemented with React, Redux, Sagas, ES6, and Styled Components.
AndroidKotlinFlutterDartBloCMVVMJavaScriptReactReduxES6Styled Components
Past jobs
- Ambev Tech (Nov 2016 - Sep 2018) - Sr. Android/Front-End Web DeveloperAndroidKotlinMVPJavaScriptReactReduxES6HTMLCSSStyled Components
- Senior Sistemas (Nov 2015 - Nov 2016) - Sr. Front-End Web EngineerAngularJS 1.xJavaScriptHTMLCSSWebpack
- Freelancer (Aug 2015 - Nov 2015) - C# Winforms DeveloperC#WinForms
- Hi Platform (Aug 2015 - Aug 2015) - Sr. Front-End Web DeveloperAngularJS 1.xJavaScriptHTMLCSSRuby on Rails
- Senior Sistemas (Apr 2014 - Apr 2015) - Sr. Mobile DeveloperAndroidJavaIonic 1.xAngularJS 1.xJavaScriptHTMLCSSSASSGruntGulpJavaScript
- Ambev Tech (Dec 2012 - Apr 2014) - Mobile DeveloperPhoneGapCordovaJavaJavaScriptKnokout.jsjQueryHTMLCSS
- Ambev Tech (Jun 2008 - Dec 2012) - Web DeveloperASP.NETC#JavaScript
Designed and built by Luan Albineli Pinto